It is suitable for fast repairs of cracks, holes and breaks on roofs, as well as for cracks in bitumen paper. It adheres well to sheet metal, aluminium, copper, brass, ceramics, concrete, wall, mortar, roofing tiles, roof covering … It is UV resistant. It is also resistant to various weather conditions (rain, snow, extreme temperatures).
- for fast repairs of cracks, holes, fractures on roofs and between old membranes,
- for sealing spaces between the membrane and vertical concrete wall,
- for cracks in bitumen boards,
- for sealing cracks, valleys and joints between concrete, wall, plaster and sheet metal (copper, zinc, aluminium),
- suitable for sealing covering parts to create a waterproof joint,
- suitable for sealing roofs of the “Tegola Canadese” type,
- suitable for sealing chimney covers,
- unsuitable for gluing polyurethane and polystyrene.